'Plan B One-Step' A Step Towards Murder
We're well aware of the existence of the infamous "Plan B" abortion drug (a.k.a. "Morning After Pill"), but this was the first time we had both seen a Full-Page Ad like this featured in a prominent magazine like this one.
It was also the first time we had noticed some new language being used to try and sway the conscience of those who might be on the fence about whether or not using this drug is the right thing for them or not.
"Plan B works similar to birth control pills ... Good thing it's in the aisle."
Does anyone else find it incredibly (tragically) ironic that the makers and promoters of this abortion drug are attempting to appeal to a woman's conscience!?!
Unfortunately, it's a "seared" conscience they're most likely targeting (1 Timothy 4:2).
The advertisement reminded me of this quote from this month's edition of The Lutheran Witness by Pastor Matthew Harrison:
As Biblical Christians, we treasure all life -- in whatever way God chooses to provide it. There is a continuity in our views regarding drugs that kill life in the womb; government programs that force us to pay for such drugs; the value of children, no matter what their context or genetic makeup; and the value of life from conception to grave and in a resurrected eternity. There is simply no other option for those who believe what Jesus told Nicodemus, 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.'
*- Pastor Matthew Harrison
[The Lutheran Witness, LW: From The President; November 2013]
To that I would like to add a loud "Amen!"
You want the truth about abortion and its proponents?
I refuse to concede intellectual and scientific superiority to the faction which claims to know how the universe began, but cannot tell me when life begins in the womb.
*- Anonymous
It is estimated that there have been over 56,000,000 abortions (that's 56 million with an M!) in the United States alone since Roe v. Wade, and over 1,300,000,000 abortions (that's 1.3 billion with a B!) worldwide since 1980.
Let me see if I can help us to better understand what this actually means.
Late-term abortions...in the 24th week of pregnancy.
Babies born alive...from failed abortion attempts.
Abortionists practicing infanticide...only a few blocks from the White House.
More murders committed in the name of being "pro-Choice" than Hitler committed during the Holocaust when he attempted to exterminate the Jews.
Need a more recent reference point? Murder statistics from 2011? 8,583 killed by guns and 333,964 killed by Planned Parenthood abortions [Source].
There are a couple of short, but profound videos I want you to make the time to watch that will underscore this seriousness of this debate, and they're both worth watching whether you're already "anti-Abortion" or "pro-Choice" too. Don't worry, none of them will blindside you with images of aborted fetuses. Instead, they merely presents the undeniable facts.
The FIRST VIDEO will help to put the history of abortion -- in this country alone -- into perspective for us. The SECOND VIDEO will help to explain how the practice of abortion is definitely the "New Holocaust" for sure.
In a Lutheran Layman's terms, for all these reasons and more, this is why all Christians must continue to speak out against abortion.
But let's also be sure to share God's forgiveness, grace, and mercy with those who have had an abortion who now see it for the sin that it is, and who want to repent.
[NOTE: As you know, I am a newly converted Confessional Lutheran who recently escaped American Evangelicalism. That being said, please contact me ASAP if you believe that any of my "old beliefs" seem to have crept their way into any of the material you see published here, and especially if any of the content is not consistent with Lutheran doctrine -- in other words, if it's not consistent with God's Word -- so that I can correct those errors immediately and not lead any of His little ones astray. Thank you in advance for your time and help. Grace and peace to you and yours!]
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