Lutherandom Musings: Dear Visiting Retired Pastor...
After all, those behind the pulpit are there by God's sovereignty and they speak standing on the authority of His Word, and so I don't want to be disrespectful or even un-Biblical in my criticism here (1 Timothy 3:1; 1 Timothy 5:17-18; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; Hebrews 13:17).
Yes, I'm afraid criticism -- constructive criticism -- is warranted in this case though.
I just want to take a moment to issue a heartfelt plea to the "Visiting Retired Pastor" who might be coming to your local church soon (or back to ours) as we enter the summer months and find our usual shepherd taking a brief and well-deserved vacation with his family.
First, a couple of quotes from Martin Luther on the qualities of a good preacher.
A good preacher should have these properties and virtues; first, to teach systematically; secondly, he should have a ready wit; thirdly, he should be eloquent; fourthly, he should have a good voice; fifthly, a good memory; sixthly, he should know where to make an end; seventhly, he should be sure of his doctrine; eighthly, he should venture and engage body and blood, wealth and honour, in the word; ninthly, he should suffer himself to be mocked and jeered of every one.
He should not be silent or mumble but should testify without being frightened or bashful. He should speak out candidly without regarding or sparing anyone, let it strike whomever or whatever it will. It is a great hindrance to a preacher if he looks around and worries about what people like or do not like to hear, or what might make him unpopular or bring harm or danger upon him. As he stands high on a mountain in a public place and looks around freely, so he should also speak freely and fear no one, though he sees many kinds of people and faces. He should not hold a leaf in front of his mouth.
*- Martin Luther
We are hungry for God's Word on Sunday morning -- please give it to us!
I know you're "retired" and I know you're only visiting our church for a single Sunday service and likely don't know any of us (or our routine), but we trust that you do know the Word of God better than we do, and that you will take full advantage of the enormous privilege and responsibility that the Lord has given you to care for His sheep; to care for us in our shepherd's absence.
Needless to say, it's not good when the laymen have a sneaking suspicion that you're "winging it" the whole time despite your experience and despite the fact that it's an important date on the Christian calendar.
Trust me, we're willing to cut you some slack for sure, but it breaks our heart to no end to see a man of God of your level of experience and stature treat the pulpit and the Sunday morning sermon as though it were Improv Hour.
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