God And Suffering (Our Response To Tragedy)
Of course, this is the question on everyone's mind today in the aftermath of the devastating tornado that swept through Moore, OK yesterday leaving nothing but death and destruction in its wake.
Newtown, Boston, and now Moore. It seems as though every other month brings with it a calamity of unprecedented proportions.
What is the proper Biblical response to it all? How are we Christians expected to answer the questions that are likely to come from non-believers in our lives? Or the questions that we'll likely have ourselves?
This is an excellent 20-minute sound byte from the Lutheran radio program Issues Etc. that I saw referenced over at Steadfast Lutherans a few weeks ago in response to the Boston Marathon Bombings.
Rock Solid Confession By Pastor Byran Wolfmueller – God and Suffering
Anyone who has ever heard Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller on Table Talk Radio or Issues Etc. knows he is a faithful confessional Lutheran pastor. He was recently on Issues Etc. talking about God and Suffering in the wake of the Boston Marathon Bombings. The words of joy and hope we have in Jesus Christ were perfectly confessed in Pastor Wolfmueller’s interview with Pastor Todd Wilken. In times of suffering and tragedy, the only comfort we have is the cross of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. I hope you will take the time to listen to it and also continue to support Issues Etc., Table Talk Radio, and the Around the Word Journal.
I pray that his response was comforting and helpful (hopeful) to you regardless of your circumstances right now. Just remember the truth, my friends.
Revelation 21:4 (ESV) He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.
Please keep an eye on the Look Up Fellowship Media (LUFM) podcast schedule.
God willing, we'll provide additional resources on this subject.
Until then, please continue to pray for Oklahoma.
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