'Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant...'
Unfortunately, it will be viewed as being "controversial" I'm sure, but only because it's "politically incorrect" to stand for any kind of Biblical truth nowadays.
Worse, however, is when fellow Christians -- who should definitely know better if their worldview is constantly being informed by the Word of God on a regular basis like it should -- are actually the ones who view it that way too.
The bottom line?
This is how you handle grieving for a tragedy. There is no need to grieve in an interfaith service. Interfaith services compromise our witness according to Pastor Dutzmann. He did confess that if one of his own members were killed in the tragedy, he would have second thoughts. No need for second thoughts Pastor Dutzmann. “You done good” as they say down here in Austin. Worshipping with the heterodox and pagans does not help. It only confuses the issue.
The Bible is clear. We are to flee from the false teachers. Presidents Harrison and Yeadon messed up the Newtown incident by not acting firmly enough in defense of Scriptural truth and Synodical policy but at least now, the siren call of BJS, the ACELC, and a handful of others has had some positive effect. I would also say, that Harrison’s heroic but misguided efforts after Newtown, also contributed to the right thing happening in Boston. The truth of God has prevailed. He is a jealous God and does not want us whoring with and after false gods. It is good to see truth prevailing even if it is a bit late.
In the meantime, good job Yeadon and Dutzmann. The Gospel is held pure by this move and what unity there is in the LCMS is preserved. Thanks be to God!
It's immensely encouraging for a young believer like me to see this sort of thing.
After all, while many (especially those my age) may cry that such a decision by First Lutheran and Pastor Ingo Dutzmann is "unloving," I would kindly ask them to prayerfully consider to truth about the truly "loving" and "unloving" responses we Christians can give in this life during such tragic times as these.
We should always seek to glorify, honor, and praise Him at all times and in all circumstances (Colossians 3:17). Pastors particularly.
For Pastor Ingo Dutzmann, I'd simply like to say..."Well done, good and faithful servant."
Until next time, God willing, grace and peace to you and yours.
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