2 Timothy 4:2 -- 'Be Ready'
Lord, I pray that I was faithful to Your Word, that I didn't speak in error or lead them astray, and that I glorified You and Your Word over the last 40 minutes or so.
Truthfully, I'm kicking myself for forgetting so many facts about their beliefs that I could've used in witnessing to them this morning! Uggghhh! I will take comfort in the truth of Isaiah 55:11 though.
The good news is that the Good News was preached to them today! Even better news? I invited them to come back with more people (more souls to preach the full, true Gospel to!) within the next 1-2 weeks and they were very receptive.
Lord, You can be sure that I will be better prepared to follow Your lead and will most certainly attempt to snatch "them out of the fire" (Jude 1:23).
That being said, I think LL will spend some time in this space during the next week or two to share some of the beliefs that make Jehovah's Witnesses a cult that preaches a false Gospel rather than the true, life-saving, and life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We will also do our best with the Holy Spirit's help to demonstrate how we should go about engaging with and witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses.
Of course, we will do it all by speaking "the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15).
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