ZITAT: Weasel Creeds
Let's cut to the chase though. Unity. We are expected to pursue not just unity in love, but unity in faith (1 Corinthians 1;13; 1 Corinthians 12:12; Psalm 133:1).
The absence of a desire for such a reality within the Body of Christ is disheartening wherever it is found, but it should hardly surprise us. It existed in the early Christian Church and it exists today.
Rev. Eric Andersen of Faith Lutheran Church in Johnstown, CO, recently wrote a piece on what he calls the "Weasel Creeds" that directly relate to this topic.
What are "Weasel Creeds," you ask? Well, Satan has been very successful in implementing what has become a common attempt to "reconcile" theological differences. This is the "Weasel Creed," which features lowest-common denominator language so that everyone can believe whatever they want to under the guise of unity.
Now, I hope that you can instantly see the dangers inherent in such an un-Biblical pursuit of unity. Such an approach cares nothing for God’s Word.
Where unity is desired without first reaching theological agreement, it is better to be upfront and admit this than to compose Weasel Creeds.
Look, Satan likes the Weasel Creed, and why wouldn't he? It gives its confessors a false sense of unity while allowing error to persist.
Where differences are swept under the rug, or go unacknowledged, theological unity is not possible. It's just not. Plain and simple.
"Our desire for unity -- which is a godly desire -- cannot cause us to turn a blind eye to serious theological differences. Sometimes I hear people object to all of this 'theological strictness,' instead preferring to focus on making the world a better place. As with most error, there is an element of truth here. We should note that doing good things in the world is a godly desire. However, this should not cause us to miss the Satanic lie contained in this approach. To ignore or minimize theological concerns in favor of a 'social gospel' destroys the Gospel entirely. For the Gospel is first of all about God’s love for us, not about our love for one another. The appeal of 'deeds, not creeds' is that it bypasses Christianity entirely while still maintaining the appearance of religiosity. All that is important in this view is what we do. Belief in 'god' is secondary, if it is considered important at all. When our acts of love (deeds) are seen as more important than God’s love for us (creeds), the Gospel is destroyed and we are left with blatant works-righteousness. Nothing makes Satan happier than when people believe this."
-- Pastor Eric Andersen
Amen! I've witnessed this firsthand myself and it ain't pretty (via unionistic community church services and prayer vigils in the name of "compassion" for Hurricane Sandy victims). At least there are men of God like Rev. Andersen who are still willing to speak "the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15) and take a bold and often unpopular stand for Christ (Galatians 1:10) even in this day and age when a majority of people (yes, sadly, even a majority within Christianity and including many Pastors) worship at the altar of Political Correctness.
At least we can rest assured that while both "solid teaching and rigorous love" (in the words of LCMS President Harrison) is obviously needed today more than ever, thanks be to God that the unity of the Church does not depend on us!
At least we have God's Word, and our Helper the Holy Spirit, to guide us toward humility, repentance, forgiveness, mercy, restoration and...unity in love and faith.
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