'The Bible' Miniseries Misses The Mark
Lately, I've had a lot of people ask me about my thoughts regarding The Bible miniseries that been playing on TV recently.
Obviously, whenever anything with a "Christian" label is getting such widespread attention and generating so much discussion, some will argue that that's a "good" thing in a general sense, because God can use it to create open and honest discussions like this between people if He wants (John 6:44).
At the same time, a diluted and watered-down Gospel is no Gospel at all. So, whenever anything with a "Christian" label gets such widespread attention, that's when we need to pay close attention and make sure it's not only for the right reasons, but also that whatever it is that's promoting itself as being "Christian" is...well...actually Christian.
Sure, it seems so silly to think that there could ever be a situation where something billed as being "Christian" is not true to the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith, especially if one is claiming to use the Holy Bible as their guide, but it actually happens all the time.
It happened in Jesus' day and it still happens in ours, which is why we were warned repeatedly throughout the New Testament about the "goats" and "tares" (Matthew 25:32-33; Matthew 13) as well as the "false teachers" or "wolves" in sheep's clothing (2 Peter 2; 1 Timothy 6; 2 Timothy 3; Matthew 7:15). Why we were warned repeatedly to be like the Bereans (Acts 17:11) and to "test the spirits" (1 John 4:1) to see whether anyone or anything "Christian" is truly from God or from Satan instead.
2 Corinthians 11:3-4 (ESV) 3But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. 4For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 (ESV) 13For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
My dear friends, this is why Martin Luther was right when he said, "Where God builds a church the devil builds a chapel."
Bottom line, The Bible miniseries is not worth your time. Worse, it will only lead to more confusion and questions rather than provide people with the objective and unwavering truth about the Lord, about His Word, about ourselves, and about His ultimate plans for us.
Pirate Christian’s Warning About History Channel Miniseries
If you watched The Bible last night on History Channel, or plan to watch it, be sure to see how it stacks up to the real Word of God. Chris Rosebrough (@piratechristian) was expressing concern about it last week and he’ll be talking about it on Fighting for The Faith today, so be sure to listen in. Here’s what Rosebrough has already said on Facebook:
If you’re going to watch the History Channel’s miniseries, The Bible, please remember that the book is sooooo much better than the movie!My initial thoughts? I watched some of the miniseries last night and was frustrated by the additions to the text, the omissions and the lack of context. For example, Abraham’s near sacrifice of Isaac and God providing the actual sacrificial ram. Then the Passover should have been explained further and connected to Jesus Christ and Calvary. Sadly, they weren’t.
I just watched an extended preview of the History Channel’s miniseries The Bible and that thing is a Purpose-Driven twisting of the Bible!! No Joke! It’s overtly PD. Details and examples on Monday’s episode of Fighting for the Faith.
If you had high expectations for the upcoming History Channel miniseries The Bible…you may want to lower your expectations. Look at who the board of advisors for the project were. http://bibleseriesresources.com/board-of-advisors
That should be more than enough for discerning Christians to have their spiritual radar buzzing, but just in case it's not, then here's more.
More About History Channel’s Version of “The Bible”
Just in case you missed Fighting for the Faith yesterday, Chris Rosebrough (aka Pirate Christian) has posted his segment, “Theological Errors of the History Channel’s miniseries The Bible -- Part 1"
Rosebrough calls the miniseries a “Purpose-drive rewrite of the Bible.” Some of the problems? The way it doesn’t address original sin properly, it’s “change the world” theology, the portrayal of Abraham and others as vision-casting leaders and more. Be sure to listen.
And, just in case that still didn't convince you to be a little more discerning about this popular TV miniseries, here's one more for good measure.
What’s Missing From History’s Bible Miniseries? ‘Redemptive History’
Chris Rosebrough (@PirateChristian) has another podcast critical of History Channel’s miniseries “The Bible.”
This episode points out the missing “redemptive history” of the Old Testament (hello? What happened to the entire sacrificial system/tabernacle/day of atonement?) and much, much more.
I noticed that had been skipped over in the first episode. Isaac’s sacrifice and the Passover should have been tied to Christ and weren’t.
I wasn’t able to watch this week’s episode to see how it was handled, but thankfully others were watching. So go listen to this so you’ll be prepared to explain to your friends who are raving over the TV show what the problems are and why they matter.
God bless Christians like these who are not only willing to take the time to put together such a comprehensive Bible study and commentary, but that they are willing to do so regardless of the personal cost (Luke 9:23; Galatians 1:10).
Do yourself a favor. Turn off the TV.
Stop watching The Bible miniseries on The History Channel.
Instead, pick up your Bible, open it, and begin reading it for yourself.
Until next time, God willing, grace and peace to you and yours!
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