PODCAST: An Honest Look At Catholicism
For the most part, I've tried to commit myself to doing at least one new podcast per week, but have allowed for the Lord to determine if and when I actually do them, let alone to determine just how long each broadcast actually is (Proverbs 16:1; Proverbs 16:9; Proverbs 19:21).
That being said, last night was one of those times when I came home, found that an opportunity had presented itself, and so I spent approximately 2.5 hours taking an honest look at Catholicism (specifically, the uncomfortable truth about the beliefs, practices, teachings, and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church led by the Pope) for my dear family members and friends who are practicing Catholics.
Admittedly, this particular message was not from a Lutheran perspective per se, but more from a general Christian perspective. God willing, perhaps our next one will tackle this very important subject from the view of a Confessional Lutheran like me.
PODCAST: An Honest Look At The Roman Catholic Church And The Pope
Regardless of the denomination to which we belong, as Christians, we are expected to pursue not just unity in love, but unity in doctrine above all else (Ephesians 4). However, what do we do when the beliefs, practices, teachings, and traditions of the largest representation of the Christian faith seems to contradict the very Word of God itself? Please join LUFM's Wake Up Church! as we speak "the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15) as it pertains to a very sensitive, but serious subject with eternal implications.
Please spend some time with that urgent message and warning, especially as the world's attention is squarely focused on Rome and the Vatican this week.
More importantly, please feel free to share it with those family members, friends, co-workers, and neighbors who are near and dear to you who need to hear the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).
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